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General Surgery

M.D. Hüseyin Pala


•Endocrine surgery (thyroid surgery, goiter)
•Hemorrhoidectomy (laser photocoagulation)
•Anal fistula and seton applications
•Applications of endoscopy, colonoscopy and gastroenterology
•Stomach botox
•Gastric balloon
•Endoscopic stenting in gastrointestinal diseases
•Diagnosis and treatment of reflux, gastritis, ulcer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, rectum cancer
•Breast surgery
•Breast reduction
•Breast augmentation (silicone)
•Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer
•Bariatric surgery
•Stomach hernia and reflux surgery
•Hernia surgery
Faculty of Education
•School of Medicine, Uludağ University (1994-2000)
•School of Medicine, Osmangazi University  (2000-2005) Medical specialty training
•School of Medicine, Osmangazi University  (2000-2005) Endoscopy training
Work Experience
•General Surgery, Osmangazi School of Medicine (2000-2005)
•Ministry of Health Burdur State Hospital (2005-2008)
•Sivrihisar State Hospital (2008-2012)
•General Surgery, Yunus Emre State Hospital (2012-2016)
•Turkish Surgery Society
•Chamber of Physicians and Dentists
•Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery
Foreign Language